We divide students according to the first letter of their last names for advising purposes.
Department of History
Concentration Advisors
Seth E. Rockman
Office Hours: Mondays, 9AM-12PM and by appointment
Nancy Jacobs
Office Hours: Tuesdays, 2:15-3:30pm and Thursdays, 4:30-5:45pm (drop-in or by appointment)
Tim J G Harris
Office Hours: Fridays, 3:15-5:30pm
Benjamin Hein
Office Hours: Mondays, 2-4PM or by appointment
Jeremy Mumford
Office Hours: Wednesdays, 2-5PM
Brian G. Lander
Office Hours: Thursdays, 2:30-4:00PM
Transfer Credits Advisor
Kenneth S. Sacks
Office Hours: Currently on sabbatical.
Director of the Honors Program (DHP)
Emily A. Owens
Office Hours: Tuesdays, 1-3PM
Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS)
Seth E. Rockman
Office Hours: Mondays, 9AM-12PM and by appointment
Additional Concentration Information
The field of focus may be geographical (such as Latin America) or geographical and chronological (such as Modern North America) or transnational (such as ancient world) or thematic (such as urban history).
Follow these step to declare your concentration in History:
Answers to frequently asked questions from undergraduate students.