Department of History

History DUG

The History Department Undergraduate Group (DUG) organizes events and activities to promote community among history students, concentrators, and faculty. They host panels and lunches with faculty, student-led registration advising sessions, and other events throughout the year. 

Learn About the History DUG

You can learn more about the History DUG and the programming they have planned by joining the Facebook group,

Class of 2024

Toby BerggruenHello, and a warm welcome to Brown's History Department! I am Toby Berggruen, and I am a History and Religious Studies concentrator at Brown. In the past I have worked at the Rhode Island Historical Society, the John Carter Brown Library, and Columbia University's Center for American Studies. I edit the Brown Journal of History and previously served as a BRYTE tutor and Meiklejohn Peer Advisor. I am primarily interested in narratives of reenchantment in the early modern and modern periods; Jonathan Edwards and his afterlives; American Transcendentalism; utopian socialist experiments; the cultural criticism of Lewis Mumford and Paul Goodman; the Black Atlantic; the Baroque; and somaesthetics. Thinkers I am currently thinking about include Blaise Pascal, Michel de Certeau, Theophus Smith, Jane Bennett, Birgit Meyer, Ananda Coomaraswamy, David Abram, Margaret Cavendish, Epeli Hau'ofa, David Summers, Don Ihde, and Richard Shusterman. Don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or ideas; I look forward to hearing from you!

Janelle BarnettHi everyone! My name is Janelle Barnett ‘24 and I’m planning to double concentrate in History and Public Health. I’m most interested in American history, specifically the Civil War and Reconstruction eras. History courses have been some of my favorite classes that I’ve taken at Brown thus far.  The professors are so enthusiastic about their fields of study and they make classes very interesting and engaging. Outside of history, I’m a TA for PHP0310 and I’m also a proud member of Brown HOSA and the Brown Band.