- Language Requirement Form -- to be filled out before the beginning of semester 1 (and updated as necessary thereafter), indicating field-specific language requirements and plans to meet them
- Language/Skills Fund Application -- Each student is permitted to utilize up to $2,500 toward a language or skills class (one time during their program at Brown). Skills uses of the fund may be broadly defined, but usually are directly related to one's dissertation research, such as paleography.
- Research Sequence Prospectus Form -- to be filled out in year 1 semester 2, indicating in which course a student will write a prospectus for the year-long research sequence
- Field Declaration Form -- due May 19 in year 1, listing three preliminary exam fields and examiners
- Fields Planning Form -- due March 31 in year 2, listing format and timeline for all sections of preliminary exams and including draft lists for each
- Research and Travel Fund Application -- for research-related costs and conference travel expenses; available on a rolling basis, once per year @ $1500 (funding cycle: June 1-May 31)
- Open Fund Application -- for graduate student academic or professional expenses not otherwise reimbursed by department or university; available on a rolling basis, four times over the course of graduate career @ $700/each
Note: For any forms not listed above, see the Graduate Handbook, Appendix B, page 42