Yekai Zhang
Using an English pseudonym ‘Kyle E. E. Stuart’ to indicate his interest in Stuart Britain, Zhang Yekai works on early modern British Isles, with a particular focus on popular politics and political culture. He plans to work on the politics of the people in England and Scotland during the Third Dutch War, thus shifting current scholarly focus on mercantilism, foreign policy and high politics to social and political tensions within the British Isles. He reads politics, culture and society of early modern continental Europe and Ming-Qing China and some Atlantic history (with Professor Cynthia Brokaw and Professor Harold Cook). He has published a paper on Edward Hyde (later Earl of Clarendon) and parliamentary politics in England during 1640-42 at Journal of Tsinghua University and a long book review on Wim Klooster’s Dutch Moment. He has also written on the social memory of the 1641 Irish Rebellion, the political activism of London apprentices and the fall of the English Republic and English representation of King Philip’s War. Recently he has been invited as an external editor by Studies of Maritime History under Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences, a journal which has published articles by Tonio Andrade, Leonard Blussé, Claudine Salmon, Paul A. van Dyke, Richard von Glahn and R. Bin Wong.