Department of History

Elias Muhanna

Associate Professor of Comparative Literature, Associate Professor of History
Prospect House 206
Areas of Expertise Middle East, History of Science, Technology, Environment, and Medicine
Office Hours Mondays, 3-5PM (starting February 10)


Elias Muhanna, Associate Professor Comparative Literature and History, is a scholar of the medieval and early modern Islamicate world with interests in intellectual history, encyclopedism, and the history of languages.

His publications include The World in a Book: al-Nuwayri and the Islamic Encyclopedic Tradition (Princeton University Press, 2018); a translation and edition of Hanna Diyab’s 18th-century memoir, The Book of Travels (NYU Press, 2021); a selected translation of Shihab al-Din al-Nuwayri's 14th-century Arabic compendium, The Ultimate Ambition in the Arts of Erudition (Penguin Classics, 2016); and an edited volume, The Digital Humanities and Islamic & Middle East Studies (DeGruyter, 2016). He is currently at work on a cultural history of the Arabic language.