Department of History

William G. McLoughlin Terrace Dedication

On Thursday, October 12th the Department of History was joined by the family of William G. McLoughlin, a professor in history from 1958-1992, for a dedication ceremony in his honor.

On Thursday, October 12th the Department of History was joined by the family of William G. McLoughlin, a professor in history from 1958-1992, for a dedication ceremony in his honor. 

The patio behind Peter Green and Sharpe Houses, now formally known as McLoughlin Terrace, boasts a large wooden table made from a tree that once stood on the property. A nearby stone memorial recognizes McLoughlin's time in the history department, bearing the phrase "Devoted to students, scholarship, and keeping Brown green." 
Both the stone phrase and wooden table represent McLoughlin's perspective that change is a necessary step towards growth. Where there was once a tree now stands the Lindemann Performing Arts Center — a new era in Brown Arts history that will inspire collaboration for years to come. Similarly, the beloved tree has been sustainably repurposed into something useful for the Brown community to enjoy.

As the inevitable cycle continues and change leads to growth, we remind ourselves to find joy in the journey and pride in the progress it took to get there.

Learn more about William G. McLoughlin's life and career at Brown